RSX MAX™ phono cables are a step up from RSX Prime™, for even greater low-level detail, clarity, and freedom from coloration. Move up to RSX MAX™ for imaging, soundstaging, and ambience-retrieval unrivaled by any phono cable other than RSX’s own. To Improve on RSX Prime™, RSX MAX™ adds even better Teflon™-variant fluoropolymer-plus- air dielectric materials and more.
RSX MAX™ phono cables are fully “Faraday Cage” shielded, double-grounded, and fitted with special Roger Skoff-designed ultra-low contact mass connectors and matching custom machined trim hardware.
RSX MAX™ phono cables are an easy upgrade to any LP playback system. Buy them to, still affordably, approach the very best sound and listening enjoyment your system can deliver.
Price RCA-RCA 1 meter 2100 usd, 1.5 meter 2925 usd, 2 meter 3750 usd. DIN + 475 usd.
Данный кабель может использоватся как фоно кабель, так и межблочный кабель, с одинаковым успехом!
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